HRS Clinical Research Unit


Under the direction of Prof. Dr Claude Braun and Dr Maike Aurich, this unit, which is supervised and funded by the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman Hospitals, aims to strengthen the management of research projects, facilitate research by doctors and establish and strengthen collaborations with the country’s research institutes. It also ensures that all the legal, administrative and financial aspects of each research project are handled in accordance with current regulations and international quality standards such as Good Clinical Practice. Supervised and funded by the FHRS, clinical research is an integral part of the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman mission, enabling our patients to benefit from innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Patients who voluntarily agree to take part in a clinical trial may benefit personally, but they also enable many other patients to benefit from treatments that would never have been available if they had not been tested beforehand. Furthermore, patients who agree to take part in a trial are particularly well monitored and supported.

Added value

Thanks to the strong commitment of its doctors, HRS is currently involved in clinical trials, recruiting patients for interventional clinical studies (with drugs or medical devices) or observational studies, which are carried out internally or in collaboration with national industrial (pharmaceutical companies) and academic partners such as the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), the Laboratoire National de la Santé (LNS) or the University of Luxembourg. This highly supervised process follows a precise study protocol and is only carried out under certain conditions.


Active with several projects in progress.

Prof. Dr. Claude Braun
HRS Medical Director
"It also helps to hone scientific curiosity and reveal the skills of our nursing staff, and is ultimately a key driver of the quality of care and teaching that we provide."
Maike Aurich
Manager of the HRS Clinical Research Unit
"At HRS, we focus on translational and patient-oriented research. Our advantage lies in the combination of outpatient and inpatient care, which facilitates access to outpatients. Consequently, our research should have a positive influence on the ongoing development of therapeutic options, quality standards and technologies in hospitals."

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